Dvorak Export: Chaos deck (Dvorax)

To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)

Regenerate this output, minus the cards created by a comma-separated list of users:
loadcard hr/The Planets Align/Action/Play only if there is a positive even integer number (2, 4, 6, etc.) of Chaotic Things in play. Flip a coin. If heads, you win; if tails, destroy a random Chaotic Thing.
loadcard hb/Tangled Cords (C)/Thing/
loadcard hb/Scattered Pool Balls (C)/Thing/
loadcard hb/Snowstorm (C)/Thing/
loadcard hb/Overflowing Sink (C)/Thing/
loadcard hb/Clock (O)/Thing/
loadcard hb/Folded Towels (O)/Thing/
loadcard hb/Level Picture Frame (O)/Thing/
loadcard hb/Food Fight (C)/Thing/Action: Discard a card to make all opponents discard a random card from their hands.
loadcard hb/Fire (C)/Thing/Action: Place two counters on Compressed Air if it is in play.
loadcard hb/Compressed Air (O)/Thing/Any player may take an Action to place a counter on this card. If this card has any counters on it, it is Chaotic. If this card ever has four or more counters on it, this card must be destroyed and its owner must discard his entire hand.
loadcard hb/Stacked Cups (O)/Thing/Any player may take an Action to make this card Chaotic. The owner of this card may skip his turn and make this card Orderly.
loadcard hb/Silly String (O)/Thing/Action: Make this card Chaotic.
loadcard hb/Sleeping Dog (O)/Thing/Action: Make this card Chaotic until the start of your next turn. While this card is Chaotic, its owner may not be targeted by another player. ("Let sleeping dogs lie.")
loadcard hr/Straighten Up/Action/Make a Chaotic Thing Orderly.
loadcard hr/Entropy/Action/Make an Orderly Thing Chaotic.
loadcard hr/Time Warp/Action/Shuffle a random card from your hand into the draw deck and draw two cards.
loadcard hr/Time Schism/Action/Choose an opponent to search your hand and take one card. Then, search that opponent's hand and take one card.
loadcard hr/Balance of Power/Action/Destroy a number of Orderly or Chaotic Things so that the number of Orderly and Chaotic Things are equal.
loadcard hr/Disfunction/Action/Destroy a random Orderly Thing controlled by a Target Opponent.
loadcard hr/Recycle/Action/Play only if you control at least one Orderly Thing. Search the discard pile and take one card.
@emit [name(%#)] pastes the Chaos deck into the Dvorak Engine.

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