Dvorak Export: Abstract Dvorak deck (Dvorax)

To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)

Regenerate this output, minus the cards created by a comma-separated list of users:
loadcard hw///
loadcard hr/Invasion/Action/If the target player has no cards in his hand, he is defeated.
loadcard hr/Run out of supplies/Action/If the draw pile has been cycled through at least three times, the target player no longer draws at the start of his turn.
loadcard hr/Food/Action/Draw one card.
loadcard hr/Food/Action/Draw one card.
loadcard hr/Food/Action/Draw one card.
loadcard hr/Supplies/Action/Draw three cards.
loadcard hb/Bug (1)/Thing/This is a monster.
loadcard hb/Bug (1)/Thing/This is a monster.
loadcard hb/Worm (1)/Thing/This is a monster. Action: Return this card to your hand.
loadcard hb/Worm (1)/Thing/This is a monster. Action: Return this card to your hand.
loadcard hb/Cat (2)/Thing/This is a monster.
loadcard hb/Cat (2)/Thing/This is a monster.
loadcard hb/Falcon (2)/Thing/This is a monster. This monster can fly.
loadcard hb/Eagle (3)/Thing/This is a monster. This monster can fly.
loadcard hb/Eagle (3)/Thing/This is a monster. This monster can fly.
loadcard hb/Snake (4)/Thing/This is a monster. When this card uses its action ability to remove a monster from play, the owner of the target monster must also discard a random card.
loadcard hb/Warrior (8)/Thing/This is a monster. When this card is attacking, this card is treated as if level 10.
loadcard hb/Wizard (8)/Thing/This is a monster. Action: Look through the draw pile for an action, show this to everyone, and put it into your hand. Shuffle the draw pile afterwards.
loadcard hb/Summoner (8)/Thing/This is a monster. Action: Look through the draw pile for a monster, show this to everyone, and put it into your hand. Shuffle the draw pile afterwards.
loadcard hb/Resurrection Kit/Thing/Action: Look through the discard pile for a monster and put it into your hand.
loadcard hr/"Your Mum" insult/Action/Your opponent discards one card of his choice.
loadcard hr/Trapdoor/Action/Destroy one monster of level 4 or greater.
loadcard hr/Trapdoor/Action/Destroy one monster of level 4 or greater.
loadcard hr/Trapdoor/Action/Destroy one monster of level 4 or greater.
loadcard hr/Polymorphosis/Action/Shuffle the target thing back into the draw pile. Keep drawing cards until you find a thing, and put it into play. Discard all the other cards which you drew.
loadcard hb/Nuclear Weapon/Thing/Action: Destroy all things in play, including this card. This action ability may not be used on the turn that this card is played.
loadcard hr/Charm Monster/Action/Until the end of this turn, gain control of an opponent's monster.
loadcard hr/Cloning/Action/when you draw this, this transforms automaticly in a thing under your control in the table.
loadcard hb/Virus/Thing/Action: In the next turn, a thing card will be infected (this mean that card can'tmak an action.)
@emit [name(%#)] pastes the Abstract Dvorak deck into the Dvorak Engine.

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